Interview with Pierre Vachon |
Interview conducted with scenario author Pierre Vachon(also known as Psion) on 8/3/99. Flabs: Hello Psion Psion: Hello, Flabio ole chap ;-) Flabs: Thank you for coming to the interview today. Psion: Well, glad to be here, and get the chance finally to chat with you, friend Flabio! ;-) Flabs: I'm sure all our readers are familiar with your great scenario, Trouble in the Sword Lands Psion: Well, I dunno if it is great ... but I accept the compliment (blushblushblush) Flabs: Can you tell our readers a little about the Sword Lands Trilogy? What makes it so great? Psion: Again, I dunno about it being great or anything ... The gist of it is, I've been DMing (AD&D) for years, and had made up my own world campaign (Anarym) ... and when Divinity came out, I figured: hey! Why not try to incorporate some of it in Realmz (with me being a Realmz fan and all ....).... Psion: So ... I came up with a story which would start in Realmz, and end in Anarym ... all the while using both Realmz and Anarym backgrounds (ie. Bywater and the Lankharan empire, and the Keryndhorians, etc.) < < Some stuff about AD&D > > Flabs: Ahem, so, when did you first find out about Realmz? Psion: Back in 1995, while I was doing my post-doc in San Diego. I was on a PC before (yewk!) and when I got there, it was all in Mac ... and fell in love with the system. Then I got to know the internet ... and found Realmz 3.2.x ... and I was done for ;-) Flabs: What hooked you onto Realmz? Psion: The AD&D style, and the "nuts &bolts" aspects of character development ... Tim has the money quite right when he says "no color bars fer me!" ... that's how I feel about RPG games as well ;-) Flabs: Hehe. Psion: Also, I just love the expandibility of the game (with scenarios being added on and on)... no need to buy a different game each time! I love and adore this idea of scenario add-ons ... Flabs: Yeah. Flabs: Hmmm, out of questions... Flabs: Maybe Thyrr will want to join our chat. That okay with you? Psion: My soul has nothing to fear from such a good and honoranble paladin ;-) Flabs: Okay =) < < contacting Thyrr... > > < < contacting Thyrr... > > < < contacting Thyrr... > > Flabs: Hmmm, Thyrr seems to be somewhere off fighting evil. Flabs: Maybe ShadowFox can join... < < contacting ShadowFox... > > (ShadowFox joins chat) ShadowFox: Hey Flabio. Psion: Hey ShadowFox! Psion: just call me Pete LOL ShadowFox: Hey Pete =) Flabs: Greetings ShadowFox. We are currently conducting an interview with the scenario author Pierre Vhachon. < < ShadowFox chats with Psion for a while, then leaves WITHOUT asking any questions > > Flabs: Doh. Psion: well ... how about: how come is you damn Trilogy a damn trilogy? Why not make it in one story or two? Huh? Huh? Flabs: Dunno... Psion: I was proposing a question ... ROFLOL Flabs: Go ahead then, answer it then! Psion: Answer: well .... I dunno .... (ROFLOL) Flabs: LOL Psion: Seriously though ... it is that big, sadly enough (either that, or I have no inkling as to how one should tighten up a story LOL) Flabs: AHA! Bless me luck! < < contacting Jesse... > > (Jesse joins chat) Psion: Hey Jesse! ;-))))) Jesse: hi. =) Flabs: Greetings Jesse, we are currently conducting an interview with scenario author Pierre Vachon. Any questions? Jesse: Psion, when did you get Divinity in your mailbox? Psion: I got Divinity in November 1997, about the time it went out. I began coding for TiSL in Feb 1998 .... Jesse: Wow. Long time user! Jesse: When (if) you get "Divinity Blocks" what do you do to break them? Flabs: (Ooooh, good question) Psion: Blocks ... well, I just "get away" from the scenario and do other things, all the while mulling things over ... and soon enough: BAM! The Muses hit ye once more! ;-) (ShadowFox re-enters chat) ShadowFox: Hello everyone Psion: Hey ShadowFox ;-) Flabs: Hey again Shadow. < < contacting Thyrr... > > Flabs: It appears that Thyrr can take a few moments off from fighting evil to chat with us. (Thyrr joins chat) Thyrr: Hello Everyone, can't stay long. Psion: Ye Gods! Tis be him in flesh and blood: Thyrr! Thyrr: You can also call me Ensign Yu. Flabs: Greetings, Thyrr. We are conducting an interview with scenario author Pierre Vachon. Do you have any questions to ask our quest? Thyrr: Hrm. Not really. Psion: LOL!! < < Insert a whole bunch of chaotic chatting, here > > Flabs: Okay, let me ask one more question before I end this interview. If you could change one thing about Realmz, what would it be? Psion: At least better 3D-dungeon looks with more stuff in them (chairs, thrones, tables, etc.) Flabs: Okay. Thank you for you time, Psion. Psion: And thank you ;-)